The First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has made what is understood to be the first Remediation Contribution Order under the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA) in connection with the remediation of building safety defects at a high-rise residential block at 9 Sutton Court Road, in London.
During the Global Financial Crisis, borrowers who needed to refinance their maturing debts faced difficulty. Lenders had neither the appetite nor the ability to lend, save in limited circumstances. The income generated by commercial real estate assets often did not change, however.
The statutory moratorium may not protect a company in administration against proceedings continuing under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
Property professionals will no doubt be familiar with the statutory moratorium that comes into effect immediately upon an administration order being made in respect of a company. The main effect of this is that no legal process may be started or continued against the company or property of the company except with the consent of the administrator or with the permission of the court.
The background
Minding the Gap
JCAM Commercial Real Estate Property XV Limited -v- Davies Haulage Limited [2017] EWCA Civ 267
The Court of Appeal has closed an important loophole benefitting tenants that are considering options for insolvency.